Here they are at four days old. They are so sweet.
Halle is producing a lot of milk. For whatever reason the babies are mostly eating on one side. Two times we have had to milk out her left udder because it was full and the right side was really small in comparison. Guess how much milk we got out of one side each time we milked. FOUR CUPS! She’s a milker alright.
They do eat out of both sides but I think they each prefer the right side. Eventually they will figure it out.
Here is Sandy (barn name, not official) with some of the other goats. At this point we had not put them together yet. Since then we have allowed Halle and her babies into the girls pen and out into the pasture. They are all getting along nicely.
Here are some shots of Storm (another barn name). I just love his looks. It is sad that you really don’t keep bucks. He will be weathered like Randy and then sold to someone who will keep them as pets or to eat brush.
Here are some more pictures of Sandy. Our hope is that between Jasper’s great milking line and Halle’s great milking she will be a big producer for us.
Remember the picture I took of the baby Barn Swallows? Here is what they looked like on Wednesday.
When I went into the barn Friday morning they were all out of the nest and sitting on top of the buck wall facing the aisle. I just stood there bemoaning the fact that I don’t have a smart phone only for the sake of the camera. They stayed quite a while until I needed to enter and then they flew around the barn and out the door.
Lastly, I thought I would update you on Randy. He doesn’t have any more pain. Actually I don’t think he has any feeling in his testicles at all. Here is a shot of how they look now.
If I have any male readers I’ve probably just permanently lost them.
Thanx for following along with our adventure, and for putting up with pictures of testicles.
This is my life and I just want to share it with you
Karen – so glad to be on this adventure, testicles and all. Loved all the great kid pics., they are super cute! Have a great week!
Glad you are enjoying our adventure. It seems like every day it is a new thing.
Enjoy your week as well,
Oh my gosh! You are killing me with your posts.
Hey, it’s my life now.
Have a great day,