I just wanted to let everyone in on a very big event that is coming up.

Pi Day……you know Pi 3.14159265359…..

Well, each year those of us who love PIE choose to celebrate Pi day with a slice (or two) of pie.

This year, Pi day is Pi Day of the Century.

How is it?, you ask.


I wanted to give you enough notice so you could plan to really indulge since it is the only Pi Day of the Century any of us will experience.

Wow, in my life time I’ve experienced:

Bicentenial of the USA
Turn of a century
Pi Day of the Century


After eating A BUNCH of pie I think I’ll try to burn off some calories with a nice 3.14 mile walk.

Pi Day of the Century is on a Saturday but I don’t think that should stop me from using the pie to teach Pi to my children. If my pie plates are 9 inches in diameter it will be easy to show them how to figure out the circumference of the pie plate. I’m sure it is a lesson they won’t soon forget.

Any other Pi Day of the Century ideas you think we should do? Go ahead and leave a comment.
