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Moses (part 2/4)

Moses  (part 2/4)

To read Moses part one click here. 4) The Faithful Moses’ parents were Amram and Jochebed. They were some of the possibly few Israelites who held to their belief in the one true God and did not worship the Egyptian gods. When Moses was born they hid him for three months. Finally it was impossible […]

A Joyful Visit

My sister and my two nieces came down New Year’s Day to stay the night. When we lived in Milwaukie we were minutes from all of my family. I miss them so much. I thought I would be able to talk on the phone to make up for it but life is so busy especially […]

Fun Additions at the Barn

For Christmas we got the boys a bunch of goose decoys. They want to hunt everything but we have limited it to Canada Geese. We surprised them Christmas morning with a field of geese (decoys). It was pretty funny. They thought they were real and told us to all hide so we didn’t scare them […]

Moses (part 1/4)

Moses  (part 1/4)

Moses and the Exodus The boys and I have been studying the Life of Moses at Bible Study Fellowship. I love to talk about what I learn when studying the Bible and since we are somewhat secluded here I thought I would talk with you… 1) Egypt At the time that Moses was born, Egypt […]

Death, The Ugly Side of Homesteading

I’m a softy. I didn’t grow up on a farm raising my own animals, naming them only to kill them and eat them. We have “lost” two geese in the past two weeks. First was papa goose. During the flooding of the lower acreage the geese would swim all over the place. Remember the neighbor’s […]

Very Funny Story

Very Funny Story

Happy 2015. I was looking up information on the internet about geese when I came across this hilarious story. It is from a website called and it is written by Diana Barker. Remember that old commercial, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?”  Well, as a young child of about 12, I found out […]

Homeschool Grading

We have homeschooled our boys now for eight years. They are in the fifth and sixth grades and this year and it is our first year of grading. The only things we graded prior to this year were spelling tests and math. However, those grades were not compiled anywhere nor kept. If they missed a […]

Delightful Doelings

Finally. We have been waiting for nine weeks to bring our doelings home. It is best to let them nurse for at least eight weeks. Our dear friend Bryn is giving us these precious girls. Two were born to her Nigerian Dwarf doe named Pippa and one was born to another doe named Peach (she […]

Nicholas Turns Eleven

My baby is 11 years old! Time sure flies when kids enter the picture. As usual we celebrated his birthday with a family celebration. You might remember his “half birthday” party with his new and old friends this summer. For this party his relatives from the Portland area came down to help him celebrate. His […]

Moving Day for Fern

Well if you thought herding geese out of a neighbor’s wheat field in the rain on Tuesday morning was enough for one day….you were wrong. That afternoon Fern was leaving our barn to go live in another barn. Who is Fern you ask? She is our neighbors pig. She was here before we bought the […]