Our goats love their Organic Kelp Meal. Here are our bucks, Surfer Joe (white), Woody (red) and introducing our newest member Tamarack, scrambling to get their fair share of Organic Kelp Meal. We put this out for them to eat every Saturday, and they consume it like it is going out of style. We put our minerals and supplements out free choice, which means they are always available for them to eat. But months ago I had to ration the Organic Kelp Meal with the “Stinky Boys” because they would consume it all day, every day; there was no limit to the amount of Kelp Meal they would eat. Like a bunch of junkies they would eat and eat until the feeder was empty, and then expect more. The Kelp Meal is not cheap either, well over $50 for a 50 pound bag. So, when I put it out every Saturday, this is the response we get, similar to Piranhas on a fresh kill!
These guys are sure a lot of fun. Yes bucks can be a bit stinky and dirty at times, and tend to be pretty obnoxious, but as you can see in this video, they sure can be sweet too. There are many advantages to having your own bucks, the least of which is they are just a joy to have around and a lot of fun to watch.
Have a good day,
Hi Boys! Miss your sweetness… :o)
Thanks for posting the video… love those boys!
They are such sweet boys.
Did I ever tell you about the morning Michael and I went out to the barn to open it up and Tam was inside the boys feeder?
I’m positive Jo and Woody were impressed at his agility!
They are definitely ardent eaters!!!!!
I can see why you would have to ration the kelp meal.
It’s amazing to me how smart goats are. When they stop and look at you there is so much eye contact. Very impressive creatures. Can’t wait to see your posts on new babies.
Hi Kimberly, I put goats and horses in the same category of animal, they are both so intelligent and individual, each one with its own personality. We will definitely post lots of pics of the newbies, we are getting so excited, just another week or two! Hope you are well, and have a great weekend.