My youngest turns 12 today. These twelve years of knowing him have gone by so quickly. Looking back at the pictures I still vividly recall every scene. He is just ten days old here. God made our hearts to love each child just as much as the others. And yet in some ways it is different. Maybe it is one of the ways we are made in His image. The ability to completely love many.
Those big blue eyes were still blue at his friends birthday party. He was one year old here. A very happy boy he is. One of the things that has always been different about Nicholas is his tremendous ability to stop and smell the roses. His mother, father and older brother can tend to rush through life.
At two he has a big boy hair cut. Started noticing his under bite. Is Orthodontia in our future?
At three years of age he received his first big boy bike. His brother had his own and the competition on bikes began. In case you didn’t know, my boys compete in EVERYTHING.
Little did we know what a future farmer he would be when he received is first cowboy hat at four years old. Still a happy boy. I believe God gave us Nicholas to teach us to slow down and enjoy the little things.
Gosh do I love that smile. He is five and a handful at this point. For most of his life until now it was “do what Joshua does.” Now it is more, “I’m doing what I want.” He is his own strong willed person now.
At six, he decided he wanted to dress up for church and special occasions. Dress shirts and ties were his favorite things to wear. Handsome guy! It lasted about two years.
Our seven year old adventurer loves the snow. In Oregon, if we want to play in the snow every winter we have to go up to Mount Hood. Luckily he has a dad that is former ski patrol and an avid outdoor enthusiast. Adventure is certainly in his future.
At eight he is a good swimmer. Both boys took swimming lessons from early on and then we joined a homeschool swim club which allowed them to improve as they swam for two hours ever Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We were at the beach in this photo. The camera allowed me to not freeze to death in the pool. Someone has to take the pictures.
His first Stetson at nine. He really is a country boy at heart. So handsome.
For his tenth birthday we went to the beach and stayed in a cabin for a few days. He isn’t a fearful boy. Ok, I wish there was a little fear in him.
Back up in Portland, we celebrated his eleventh birthday with family.
Here he is the day before turning twelve. He just made that bow out of a piece of PVC pipe. Nicholas is definitely always coming up with new things to make. I think we have a future entrepreneur here.
Happy birthday my dear son. We love you more than we can say and it grows each and every day. The world is a better place with you in it. We are thankful for you.
Love you, always and forever,
Mom and Dad
Nicholas, we hope the Lord blessed you lots on your 12th birthday!!
We have good memories of camping with you and your family.
– Joe, Kim, Andrew, and Jonathan Alfeche
Nicholas thanks you for your birthday wishes.
We miss doing things with NEPHS when we lived in the city.
The Alfeche family was always a joy to do stuff with.
Praying for Joe. Sounds like he only has a couple more rounds of Chemo to go. He will feel much better when he is done with that.
We hope your family enjoys this most special time of year as we celebrate our Lord and Savior
Happy Birthday!!!!
PS And, of course will never forget the famous “I remodeled my room today…” event…. truly epic!!! :o)
You make it sound as if it was a one-time event. He remodels his room OFTEN!
Thanx for the birthday wishes.
Hope to see you sometime over Christmas break.
Happy Birthday Nicholas! Connor would love to come play with you boys again soon. He often talks about how much fun he had that afternoon a year ago. Wishing you a wonderful next year!
Thanx Natasha! We would love to have Connor come for a play date. We are off for the next two weeks. It is pretty soggy out there but that doesn’t usually stop boys. Or we can wait until spring. Basically, anytime would be a great time to play/visit.
Have a great day,
Happy Birthday Nicholas. You put smiles on all our faces.
Mr. & Mrs. Stebbing
Thank you. He is a very thoughtful and kind boy. We love him dearly.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Are you staying home for Christmas?
Dear Nicholas,
Happy Birthday!! God has blessed your Grandma/Grandpa with your addition to our family. Your eyes turned from blue to beautiful blue/green…and eye lashes which a girl is jealous/admiring. But don’t look at those admirations, altho good. Look at her heart for you and yours for you. We are very proud of the young man you are coming!!
Love you always,
Grandma and Grandpa
Nicholas says “Thank you” and is looking forward to our Christmas celebration at your house.
Happy Birthday Nicholas! What joy you bring to your family! I loved seeing all the pictures of you growing up. Yes, a little fear is a good thing. (We could use a little more fear around our house too.) That was some picture of you in the Daniel Boone hat on the ledge. Nice job on the bow!
Thank you! We had a great day, did school and ate one of his favorite dinners and a dessert he requested.
Take care,
Happy Birthday to Nicholas, just a bit late, with smiles as I write this on my daughter’s birthday (12/17) . I loved the pictorial history; it is great to see the growth from a tiny person, totally reliant on parents, to an innovative, independent teen and finally to a capable adult, reliant still but on God for life, filled with grace. Remember to consider your folks, Nicholas, as you head into teen years with adventures and challenges ahead!! Looking forward to another visit to the banks of salt creek…….
Richard and Nancy W
Nicholas says, “thank you.”
Miss seeing you and we should plan something to do together. After the holidays we take one week off each month. That will make it easier to plan something.
Enjoy celebrating Leslie’s b-day today and Jesus’ too next week.
Miss you,