Michael’s big weekend project was to add some metal roofing over the outdoor pen for the chickens. He expected to quickly get the project done on Friday after picking up the roofing. Projects rarely go quickly. The little bit of time he set aside on Friday was taken up with removing rotten posts.
Here is the rotten wood that was removed.
Running out of daylight, he went to Lowes on Saturday morning to buy new wood.
While we were doing other chores, Michael was replacing the posts and installing the new roofing.
Since the previous “roof” was only chicken wire he needed to create a slope for the rain water to drain off. He did this with 2 x 4’s. He decreased the slope gradually.
Now the area won’t be so muddy and will get a bit of a chance to dry out. Another job well done by my hubby.
Some of the chickens were inside the coop and some were in the chicken tractor enjoying bugs and grass.
The goats were enjoying some dried maple leaves that I collected in the fall. It was a little treat.
Treats, we all need them once in a while.
Have a great day,
Wow! The photo of him with the “lake” in the background is amazing! The water level changes so drastically.
The girls will be so happy with an outdoor covered area… I hope spoiled hens mean lots of eggs … :o)
Yes…..a lot of water. And it just keeps raining.
I’m hoping for clean eggs. So far the Ameraucana’s are the ones using the nesting boxes. The others mostly just drop eggs wherever they are.
You are married to one amazing Renaissance man.
Yes. I agree….the boys and I are actually in the Renaissance period of history.
Have a great day.