Life hasn’t slowed down at all. I spent the weekend with my youngest niece while her parents flew to California for a vacation. She is beautiful inside and out. Great laugh.
Update! Update! Get Your Cancer Update!
Tuesday we had our first appointment with the oncologist. Great guy. He has been a doctor for 40 years. Michael has Stage 2B non-seminoma testicular cancer. I believe the stage 2B is because the lymph node that has cancer in it is larger than 2 cm. The non-seminoma has to do with the fact that he has a mixture of all four of the testicular cancers.
He will begin chemotherapy on 8/14. They will be using BEP which is a combination of different chemo therapies.He will have 3 rounds of chemo, each round is a week long with treatment each day. This is followed by two weeks of rest. Then repeat. Each day it will take up 5 or 6 hours. Treatment will be completed before the end of September. The CURE rate is 98%. I’m so grateful this cancer responds nicely to the chemo.
Please pray for minimal side effects. All of our hope is in Jesus and we trust him completely.
On a side note, his oncologist ran for Governor here in Oregon in 2016.
A New Gate
Michael has been mulling over an easier way to breed the goats. He decided to divide the pasture and put the does we want to breed with Woody in one pasture and the does we want to breed with Joe in the other.
In order to do that, we needed to add a gate to the boys outside area.
Michael is so good with anything related to fencing.
We all helped him in various ways. We already had a T-post in the ground and that needed to come out. The tractor is good for that.
We haven’t had rain for a while so the ground is pretty dry.
This tool is a Tamper. One end is flat and round. The other side is pointed. Michael is using the pointed end to break up the soil.
Out comes the post hole digger. This is a lot of work. Michael makes it look easy. I’ve used the post hole digger to plant tomato plants. It makes the perfect sized hole.
Almost done with this one. At this point he puts the post in to make sure the it is straight. He adds dirt back in and tamps it down around the post.
Can anyone identify what is in the bottom of this hole? It’s the water line to the barn. When we first moved here, Michael cut the line when he was putting the T-posts in for the bucks outside pen. We thought we had an idea where the line was and tried to stay away from the water line. I’m just thankful he didn’t cut it this time. We had the move the post about six inches from the original location to avoid the water line.
Here are the two posts on which the gate will hang.
The new gate hung and the cattle panels put back up.
The next part of the project is to use cattle panels to separate the pastures.
The goats like to be outside if we are outside, unless of course it is raining.
Flowers Add Beauty to Life
The previous owners made a lot of flower beds. Mostly using bulbs. Spring is gorgeous here.
We decided we wanted more shrubs and more colorful flowers.
Here is what we added:
We planted multiple of the Huckleberries. We used to rent a yurt at Cape Lookout every September and the boys loved picking huckleberries. We now have three Huckleberry plants. Michael has always loved the Barberries so we have three of those as well. We bought two of the Crazy Russian Blue Sage. I like some blue flowers in a garden.
We’ve been spreading bark-dust whenever we get the time.
Thanx for continuing to follow our attempts at some self sustainability.
Ps: Happy birthday to my sister
Dear friends,
It’s good to be back on the Salt Creek journey with you. I admire you all more than you could ever know.
As an update, I have been getting sicker by the week since March, and in the hospital now for 10 days trying to determine the cause. I did think I was going to die. Like you and Michael, trusting the Lord to be my Keeper.
Oh Saundra, I’m so sorry that your health has been poor lately. I can’t tell you how many Christians I know that are going through health difficulties. I’m so glad we can keep in touch via computers. I always love reading the “Letters From the Farm.” I sure wish we didn’t live 3,000 miles away. I’ll be praying for you.
Love you both,
So nice to hear about your family and farm. Thanks for the facebook updates regarding Micheal. We are praying for both.
We like to keep busy. He will be really bored sitting there for hours getting the chemo. Who knows, maybe he will feel good enough to be able to work on his computer.
Hi Karen: I will be praying that Michael does well with the chemo, with minimal side effects. I was very fortunate when I had chemo 8 years ago that I had no major problems except tiredness and a little stomach upset. That is very good news that it is 98% curable!
Thank you Elaine. I have great hope that this is just a bump in the road. I never imagined at 44 he would have cancer but so grateful it is very curable.
I appreciate you care and your prayers.
Hi Karen,
I was sorry to hear about Michael’s cancer. I also Praise God it was detected and it is curable! I will be praying asking God for a complete healing very little side affects. I know God is a God if miracles and the ultimate healer. We will keep you all in our prayers.
How is Michael’s Mom and Dad doing?
Love hearing about your beautiful farm!!!
Love Joy Giancone
Thank you Joy. We too are grateful for the ability to cure this. I always say, “Doctors practice medicine, God created it.” Our hope is solely in God. I appreciate you prayers. We just want to do what God wants us to do.
Yesterday was Danny’s birthday. Tomorrow we will spend a couple of hours with them.
How is your Mother-in-law Karren doing? Does Danny have Alzheimer’s? I have been praying for them both, and would love to get in contact with Karren again. Could you please let her know I have been praying for her and Danny. I sure miss the visits and talks we use to have.
Love to you all, and you are all in my prayers!!
Joy Giancone
Dear sister, Michael, Joshua and Nicholas. You are an amazing family who love the Lord; your life and the way you have been living it are a reflection of that for sure. God is merciful and faithful and I will be praying that you all find comfort in knowing this each day of this journey. Remember our God is the best healer and physician!
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!
Dear Karen, Michael ‘n boys,
Thanks for the tour through the garden tools, especially the tamper. Richard picked one up at a garage/estate sale years ago. Never knew what it was until now – thanks! (It is quite heavy!) How are the bees? Mine seem to be doing well, now with 7 hives and 3 nucs. More about that later.
Praying for you ‘n Michael as you face medical treatment along with obviously many others. You are treasures in our world and in God’s kingdom. Along that line, I see a message from Joy Giancone., a familiar name to me from this past year’s study of God’s plan of salvation through the Pentateuch at GSCC.
It’s past time to plan a visit to the farm on Salt Creek. I’ll phone you or e-mail
Oops! To clarify my comment about praying….ahem! We are praying, along with many others obviously, as Michael faces a bunch of medical treatments with you by his side. njw
Please let Mike know I am praying for him and sending love and support.
Ria Ferry AKA Maria Raisanen
Thanks Ria, currently in day three of chemo and so far so good. Appreciate the thoughts and prayers.