I made an executive decision a week ago Friday. We skipped math and history so we could get chores done. Michael had to be out of town for the weekend working and we didn’t want him to have too many chores to do when he returned home.
First on the list was moving all the temporary fencing around the garden. Joshua was going to spread some sweet lime so we didn’t want the chickens in there any more.
You can see the fencing a little bit in the background. There are two types of fencing. Taller field fencing and then some short stuff that was around flower beds that we had removed.
The three of us carried it over and set it up by the chicken coop.
Now they can go in and out as they please.
Here is another angle. Woops, it looks like I caught a private moment in the shot.
Well! Just take what you want and then “see ya later”. Jerk!
When the harvest is done I want the chickens to spend a lot more time in the garden than they did this go round. I still have a bunch of weeds to pull.
I’m glad they still have access to bugs and greens. It makes our eggs healthier.
The other chores were really not that interesting but Michael was very appreciative to not have to do those when he got home. He came up with different chores to do. That’s living on a homestead/farm. There is always something to be done.
Enjoy the day,
I just stumbled across your blog and I loved reading through all of the animal posts! I grew up on a small farm and I dearly miss it!
I’m a total city girl so all of this is very new to me. I enjoy it immensely but it has taken some getting used to. Enjoying the animals was the easiest part. Death is the hardest.
Thanx for visiting, I hope you come back,
Things are looking so green on the farm! Nice chicken run installation. Math and history can wait! Cheers to healthy eggs! I am thankful to have fresh eggs supplied to me by a friend, though I’d rather have my own chickens…
My husband always said “We will never have chickens. Their filthy and attract rats.” Gee, how moving to a farm can change us. Now he LOVES the chickens. They are really funny critters, especially when they run. Too funny.
Take care,
My husband doesn’t like chickens. He finds them too rambunctious and obnoxious. He eats their eggs though, he eats chickens, and he eats mayonnaise that I make from their eggs. We are starting to move towards ducks though. But I know we’ll continue raising chickens in smaller numbers.
I agree with you, Allie, about math and history. Although I use math every day. I have this habit of counting chickens (before or after they hatch
). I count them every night when I tuck them into their coop. It’s just what you do with free-rangers. Sorry, Karen, but I counted your chickens too. I can’t help it 
Your coop/pen setup looks very nice. Large, lush, and green. The chicks are so big and healthy.
Mayonnaise….thank you. I have a bunch of eggs and am going to deliver some to the neighbors but that is what I can do with some….make mayonnaise. How long does it last in the refrigerator? Oh boy, I can’t wait until tomato season. We eat BLT’s multiple times a week and with fresh mayo….MMMMMMmmmmm good.
Yes, I count my birds when ever I see them. Habit.
All the girl goats are out in the upper pasture. Took some video of them and will post on Monday. They are all too cute. Halle is so happy to have Brown Sugar around. Brown Sugar is head butting the “adolescents” to keep her babies safe. The babies are jumping and climbing on everything. The boys, their going nuts over GIRLS……
The weather is clear and 74 degrees. Had to bring a bucket of water out for the goats to drink.
Fun stuff.
Take care,
Yes, mayonnaise. And it’s very easy to make. I don’t know how long it lasts in the fridge. Really. We eat it so fast, it has never gone bad. Well, let’s see. I know you can have it for at least three weeks. That’s probably the longest we’ve had it. And I am sure it will last longer even though it has no preservatives. After all, the eggs are fresh.
Mayo is very easy to make. I will do a post on it. If you are interested, I can show it to you on Skype. I’d be more than happy to.
Gosh, it’s so wonderful to see the babies running around all happy and healthy. It’s just like paradise on earth.