Monday morning I hear the dreaded thud on a front window. It happens more often than I would like. I guess you have to expect it since this house is full of large windows.

I walked cautiously to the window and looked out with my eyes half closed. I hate seeing dead birds. There she was. A Mourning Dove walking around. Twice she flapped her wings and twice she was unable to fly.

I kept an eye out for her as the morning went on. Eventually I couldn’t find her. I went out to the garden to start the sprinkler and out she pops. She had been hiding in the plants. Or maybe she was just enjoying the shade. Still walking, she moved away from me.

Immediately I went and got the boys. Unbeknownst to me they already had a plan. Among the things left behind by the previous owners was a cage. Joshua got the dove and put it in the cage.


Nicholas worked on getting seed and water for the cage. DSC_8574

They both wanted her to be comfortable so berries, purslane, and a twig for her to sit on were added. She looks content. DSC_8575

We tried letting her out last night before bed. She was still unable to fly. Everything looks good on her. Nothing appears to be broken. We will keep her safe and hopefully whatever is wrong will heal. Then we will let her go.

I am constantly amazed at the encounters with God’s creation we have here on the farm. It is a great life.