As a homeschooling family we have a lot of flexibility with how and where we do school. In our previous home we mostly did school at the kitchen table and on the sofa. In our new home we do school all over the house.

Mostly we do it at that same kitchen table which is no longer in the kitchen.Here is Nicholas blindly taking tiles from a bag. He was learning about probability.


School is also done “in bed”.


The boys also have a play room. They have our old computer (no internet) and on it they play math games, work on their typing program and use Microsoft Word to write up their IEW stories.


Nicholas is doing his grammar. He is editing an article and I’ve taught them that sometimes it is easiest to catch the errors by reading it out loud.


We read history upstairs.


Prior to moving I signed us up to join the local homeschool co-op. We have never been involved in one before and thought it would be a great way to meet people.

Both boys have two classes and then gym time. I am a volunteer in one class for each of them. Nicholas is in his science class and then Joshua is in his logic class.

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Gym time is often dodge ball. What healthy young boy doesn’t love throwing a ball at other kids. Hey, it get their energy out.

Nicholas: “Hmm, who should I get?”    Joshua is playing nicely with a younger boy…..or is he????

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Homeschooling isn’t easy. Ask any homeschooling parent. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. We are more than halfway through the process of preparing them for adulthood and we have been together almost every day. Most of the time that is a good thing. And then there are the days where it isn’t so great.

I hope you enjoyed a peek into a school day on Salt Creek Farm.
