Not much to say other than I got some pictures of the goats the other day in between some rain showers. This time of year those sunbreaks are few and far between, and luckily the goats were all outside during one of the them.

In the background you can see the water in the lower field. We didn’t have much flooding this winter and spring, maybe only a couple of instances. The weather is constantly improving, the grass is growing faster each day, and soon things will be mostly dry. Until then we will be thankful for the rain that keeps things so green most of the year.
From the farm,
Love seeing the goats any day! Have you started planting any early veggies? With the Willamette Valley getting these nice days and temps I’m itching to plant but know it’s too early for a lot of veggies. And seeing tomato plants in the nurseries doesn’t help much.
Hi Dee, we planted some beets, lettuce, kale and carrots directly in the raised beds a few weeks ago. We started all of our other garden starts about the same time, roughly 3 weeks ago but those are in starter trays on heated mats in our little garden shed/greenhouse. Like you, we are excited to plant, but still have cold nights and risk of frost, so most things are inside.
Do you keep your goats in a fenced-in area with separate shelter area or do they roam the property and shelter in a horse barn?
Hi Gretchen, we have a large fenced pasture surrounding the barn. During the day we let them out into the pasture, and then shut them in the barn at night for protection. I know everyone manages their animals differently, but we really love being able to safely lock them up each night, and the fenced pasture keeps them where they should be, and keeps dogs and predators out.