We thought the does would enjoy getting out and experiencing a little freedom. We didn’t tell them that between the creeks that surround the lower acreage and the fencing Michael has installed in the upper pasture it wasn’t complete freedom.
Look at the nice gate Michael put in the upper pasture.
They really didn’t understand that they were free to leave the barn. Once they figured it out there was no turning back. The older girls were more adventurous than the babies.
Wow, look at all that grass.
Ahhh, fresh grass.
Chomp, chomp, chomp.
I think we can call Michael the Pied Piper of goats.
They boys didn’t think it was fair for the girls to be outside of their pen. I think we will take them on their own walk next time.
The babies stayed close together.
Awww. Love is in the air.
Yummy grass….
Hey! Look at that.
Even the chicks enjoyed watching the goats.
Michael had a little grain in a container. He shook it to get them to follow him back to the barn. Apparently Halle wasn’t willing to wait.
It was fun and they goats really enjoyed it. We will definitely do this again.
Have a great day,
So sweet to walk the land with you and see the progress of your homesteading, or maybe it’s farmsteading. Anyway, what gorgeous weather, I could almost smell the grass. Here it is snow and ice, so slim pickins for our guys. Love you.
I’m grateful that we don’t have long harsh winters here. I do like a good freeze though. My favorite winter weather is
freezing temperatures and clear blue sky.
Mostly we get rain