Gosh, last February we spent every Sunday at Clackamas Community College attending a fruit tree pruning class. We already have about 25% of the fruit tree pruning done. A full month ahead of last year.
We have had a few rain-free days and we all got involved in the fruit tree pruning. We are trying to add one new tool a year. They are not cheap. Here is the one I bought this year.
I was up in Portland one day and Michael asked me to pick up “loppers with an extendable handle.” I like to go to PCI Waste & Recycling Equipment because my former boss is the manager there. There were a few things to choose from and I couldn’t get a hold of Michael so what you see in the picture is what I bought.
When I brought them home it ended up not being the one he wanted. We decided to keep them (Portland is an hour away). Michael ended up being really pleased with them. It even comes with a saw attachment.
This tree is one of the trees in front of the house. I was on the ladder (last year’s big purchase) trimming this one when I leaned too far to the right and the ladder tipped over. Thankfully, Michael was not to far away and he heard me yelling “Michael! Help!” He caught me. ♥♥So romantic♥♥ It is a dwarf tree so it isn’t as if I would be falling from 20 feet up, but a fall is a fall.
We really pruned the one above and the one below. The goal is to get rid of all those big “clusters”. I think the previous owner pruned back to the same spot too often and those “clusters” formed.
The next time we trimmed we headed to the “Shire”. Last year we had some branches from a prune tree break off. We decided to prune that tree to bring the height down and hopefully prevent any more “self pruning.”
One thing I was excited about was the removal of a tree.
It was not a fruit tree and that area was really crowded when all the leaves and fruit came out on the surrounding trees. It also created a lot of shade. Michael got the chain saw and cut that thing down.
Like I said, fruit tree pruning is a family affair.
Of course, the boys always find a way to make it fun.
Here is one of the primary reasons Michael built the trailer. An easier way to haul off the limbs.
Well, we might be about 25% of the way done but we are not done. I better get off the computer and go prune a tree.
Have a great day!
Wow, that is a ton of work Karen. Must feel so good getting it done. We have just a couple crab apple trees out front and Jon prunes them every year and gets a MASSIVE pile of branches.So I can’t even imagine how big your brush pile must be. Now that would be one awesome bon fire!
Yes, it is a ton of work….and we will be at it all weekend…come rain or shine….pretty sure it will be in the rain.
Enjoy your weekend,
Oh to have your energy.
It’s waning