We have quarts, and sometimes pints, available of our local raw honey. These are from our own bee hives, extracted each fall. Never pasteurized or processed, it goes straight from the hive, through a screen and into the jar.
Honey can crystallize in the cooler months (the jar on the left), but a short hot water bath dissolves these crystals and clears it right up. This is a sign that the honey is 100% pure and not processed.
$16/quart, while supplies last. Contact Us for local pickup.
Yummy!! I would love a qt. if you still have some left. I live in Gresham Oregon close to where Michael’s Mom lived. Would you give me your address and directions to get to your place? It would be a nice drive down to your place if you still have some honey left. Please let me know.
Thank you,
Joy Giancone
Hi Joy, would be great to have you stop in. Please send me a message via the Contact Us link on this page and I will email your our address and directions directly to you. Thank you!
Hi Michael,
Could you send me your address and directions? How much is a qt of honey? How much are your eggs per doz.?
Hi Joy, I just sent you an email with our address. Eggs are $4/dzn; Honey is $16/qt. Thanks.
Great thank you!!
Hi Karen and Michael,
Are you still selling honey and goat milk?
Hey Joanne, we unfortunately aren’t selling milk, but we do have honey available, and eggs.