It wasn’t much, but it was indeed snow falling today in the Willamette Valley.
This fall has been very wet and warm, and while that is fairly typical for the northwest, we do prefer the temps to drop so at least it “feels” like winter. It sounds like the winter forecast is setting up for a warmer/wetter than usual, but a nice cold winter would be welcome.
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If you live in areas that are going to be getting the first of the winter temps, don’t forget to protect sensitive plants, wrap exposed water lines, and ensure your animals have access to water that wont freeze. And be safe!
Cheers from Salt Creek,
Thanks for the post Michael. It’s always nice to read about what’s going on down on the farm. And yes, the snow is beautiful to look at as long as it doesn’t “stick” around for too long!
Your favorite sister in law.
We drove into Mac yesterday and noted how one day it can be so beautiful and the next so dirty.
Enjoy your snow tires.
Good to read a post again.
Yes, winter is on its way here too.
Love to you all, and keep each other warm.
So glad you are still following. I’m mentally planning on getting back to the blog. The surgery really messed things up.
16°f here and last minute remembered hose still connectected to house. Whew close one!
Our first winter here, Michael was out of town and we had an unexpected freeze. One of the pipes(they go above the stalls) broke due to the freezing temperatures. When it thawed a little I had water spraying and gushing all down the wall and into a stall. I had to call Michael and figure out where to shut off the water. Now we make sure to empty the lines every day in the winter.
Thanx for still following. Hoping to get back to the blog here soon.
Enjoy your day,