Yep, we have baby goats. Rose had 3 kids last Friday, as usual with no problems. She is a remarkable goat, such an attentive mother and all around a joy to watch. Funny, as when we first got her she was routinely referred to as the little PITA, since she was always escaping her pen and wandering around wherever and whenever she liked. In fact her name, Ramblin’ Rose came from the fact she would regularly Ramble all over the barn, freely and without remorse. Here is one of those posts from years ago: Ramblin’ Rose.
Here she is with her 3 kiddos, 2 boys on the right and the female on the left. They are absolutely adorable!

And below are the three little stinkers, just a few minutes old. Boy, Girl, Boy.
We also finished pruning all the fruit trees in record time this year. 3 days of working over two weekends and all the trees were pruned and the mess cleaned up. I had good help, and I think this is the first time, ever, that we got them all done before February.

That’s all for now. I think we will get some pictures of the orchard this weekend because they have certainly come a long way from when we first moved in almost 8 years ago.
Until next time,
Michael and Karen
Hi Karen and Michael,
Good to hear from the farm! The baby goats are so cute! How are you all doing?
We are doing well. Taking life one day at a time and trying to appreciate all that we have. Our boys are so grown up, which means we have less free-labor than we used to, but we have made adjustments and are getting along well. Thanks for following along, hope you are well!
So happy to see your post. Love the goats! Expecting any other babies this Spring? Big projects for 2022?
Hi Dee, yes we are expecting more. Rose was much earlier than the rest, I suspect the other does will kid in March/April. No big projects this year. We did A LOT in 2021 so 2022 is going to be spent touching up the yard and enjoying our space.
Thanks for posting Michael! Great pics too. The babies are so adorable; you and my sister aren’t bad either.
Hugs to you all!
Your favorite sister-in-law
Hard to top those babies, they are pretty great.
We have thought of you so many times, and prayed for Karen. So glad to hear from you again. With our love and prayers
P. S. So good to see posts again from the Banks of Salt Creek
Thanks you guys, great to hear from you.
Its really good to see your posts again! Those baby goats are adorable!!
Thanks Joanne. We always say kidding season is the happiest time of the year. They are just so darn cute.