Due to a series of delays, distractions, poor timing, etc, it didnt seem like we were ever going to get any babies this year. But, finally, we were able to get a couple of the goats bred, and our wonderful doe Blue had some babies the other day. Better yet, they were both girls! This is a great start to the season, since the last two years we have had roughly 70% males; the more girls the better as they are the ones who make more babies, give us milk, etc.

And below is a video I shot of them playing yesterday. I honestly couldn’t stop filming, so watch a little, or watch all seven minutes. They made me chuckle the whole 7 minutes.
Have a great weekend everyone, and be safe, be kind.
Little cuties!
Glad you liked them. We find them almost too cute, waste a lot of time watching them.
Congratulations on twins! They are so cute; looks like dancing on springs!
Hope the nuc is doing well, too. After a little “adventure” with one queen, the two nucs I picked up are now in 2 deeps and I added a honey super to one. Also split the big hive which overwintered. Nancy
Hi Nancy, the hives are doing well. Both have active queens and lots of activity!
Always love baby goat videos!! Thank you Espalins.
You are welcome! Hope you are all doing well!
Good job Blue!!! Girl power
Thanks for posting Michael
Girl power indeed!