So if you have eaten farm raised eggs, you know they are completely different from store bought eggs. There is much more flavor and the yolks are more vibrant and colorful. Eggs also come in a wide variety of colors depending on which chicken breed laid the specific egg. But as you can see in the below pics, eggs come in all different shapes and sizes too.

We have 5 different breeds of chickens. Our original ladies are Australorps, Americauna, and Barred Rock. They are all about 4 years old now. The larger eggs in the picture, including the massive one, and the very long skinny egg, are all from our older ladies. The older the chickens get, the larger their eggs are. We also have some Buff Orpingtons and Nuvogens that are about 6 months old, and the smaller eggs are from those girls.

We have had some very small eggs from the Buff Orpingtons and Nuvogens. The younger chickens lay much smaller eggs that will increase in size as the bird matures.
Before we moved to the farm, my opinion on chickens was they were dumb, smelly animals that attract rats. Now, I must say chickens have grown on me immensely and I find them not only a great resource, but very interesting and quite entertaining.
We love our chickens, and we love eating the eggs they provide for us. Yeah for chickens!
I miss the season of life when we had hens & eggs. Now I’m thankful for neighbors who share them.
Hmmm, farm raised eggs, without the work and expense of feed? I must be doing something wrong, haha!
We had 40 Golden sex link and they laid the best of all our breeds. We still have 3. They are hearty and give 360ish largest eggs a year. You should get a couple🐣
Good to know Lisa. Putting those on the list for next time, thank you!