Every morning when I head to the barn I pass the chicken coop and hear the chickens stirring inside. They go to bed early and wake up early ( I can relate to them). Most of the time I open their coop before I open the barn.

For a while the chickens have been leaving their fenced in area to roam around the upper pasture. Long before that, two of our chickens, a Barred Rock and an Ameraucana , had been leaving the enclosed area for the barn. Specifically the buck stall.

The Barred Rock has taken to exiting the coop, flying to the top of the fence and then flying to the ground.

She then either enters the buck stall via the front barn door or through their outside pen.


Once in the pen she goes to her spot behind the door and stays there all day long. I understand her need for and appreciation of alone time. It is a distant memory for me but a nice one.


The Ameraucana goes straight to the bucks feeder.


The bucks don’t mind her.


So each night when we close up the coop we collect the eggs that are in there and then the two eggs that are always in the buck stall. Oh, and we have to shoo the Barred Rock hen out. She would stay there all night if we let her.

I wish my boys got along as well as these chickens and bucks.

A mom can dream,