Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy. Comfort food at its best. Let me introduce you to one of our favorite dinners: Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy. Years ago I had a hankering for Salisbury Steak. It must have been in college. They probably served Salisbury Steak at the commons. Then again, maybe I purchased frozen dinners from […]
Winter Luxury Pumpkin……Homemade Pumpkin
I’ve put it off long enough. It is time to make pumpkin puree. This should be my last preserving project of our bountiful harvest this year. Last year I grew Winter Luxury Pumpkins for the first time. My friend Bryn gave us a start and out of it came three pumpkins. Cute little things. With […]
Basil Cubes
One of the things I needed to harvest this past week was basil. I have five pots of basil and it grows quickly. It was time to preserve it. Long before I ever had anything that could be called a garden (even by city standards) I’ve grown basil. Fresh basil adds so much flavor to […]
Preserving Strawberries
What did I do with all 65 pounds of strawberries? I have a variety of ways that I preserve their deliciousness. We picked on Friday and spent that day plus all day Saturday preserving them. It always begins with washing the strawberries. I just dump half a flat in to one side of my sink […]
Salmon Cakes (Freezable)
Years ago I came across this Salmon Cakes recipe in the Oregonian Food Day. It has been a staple in our house since. These salmon cakes are easy to make and taste great. Depending on what type of canned salmon you use you may have to discard skin and bones. I use the canned salmon […]
Breakfast Egg Mini Tarts (freezable)
Breakfast Egg Mini Tarts are full of deliciousness and protein. The perfect start to your day. I make breakfast for my guys every morning. I like to feed them things high in protein. It seems they do better in school when they get a healthy, protein rich breakfast. Some mornings I have more work to […]
It’s Apple Harvest Time
Woohoo? When you have sixteen apple trees you really do question whether it is a good thing. The first thing I did was take one of each type of apple that we have and cut it up to sample. We don’t know the name for each type of apple. I know that we have Granny […]
Roasting Tomatoes
Life is busy. Harvest. School. Chores. Appointments. Do you remember this picture? Well those ended up being two loads in the food dehydrator. I tried slicing them on the thick side by hand. Missed using my mandolin which makes things go lighting fast but we like the texture of the thicker slices. In the midst […]