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Snow in Amity

Snow? Nope The weather people keep teasing everyone with the possibility of snow.  I don’t mind that because I know the weather people are rarely correct on their predictions of snow. Western Oregon is difficult to predict for any type of weather except rain. We are close to the ocean, we have the Coast Range, […]

A Productive Day

Joshua and I spent all morning building some feeders; one for a customer and two for our barn. I build these feeders for customers all year long, and am just now getting the last couple stalls in our barn outfitted with our favorite style feeder. We call them “Sloped Panel” feeders, and they minimize hay […]

Bouncing Baby Goats

Bouncing Baby Goats

If you are like us, you cannot get enough of these little guys jumping around, exploring the new world around them, and learning how to bounce. Here is a video of our 15 baby goats just having fun. Cheers from the farm! Michael

Baby Goats!!!!

Goat Babies

The barn and soon to be the whole upper pasture is bouncing with baby goats. Guess how many…..6? Nope……8? Nope…..keep guessing……12? Nope 15 babies all cute and cuddly. It began on Wednesday January 31. Michael was out of town and the boys and I  were all getting ready for school . Nicholas does the chores in […]

♪Hello, it’s me ♪

♪Hello, it’s me ♪

♪ I’ve thought about us for a long, long time but never did get around to writing a post. ♪   Michael is in remission and is doing well except for dry skin on his face. He will see a Dermatologist about. He is back at work and loving it. He is not a guy […]

A New Gate, Pretty Flowers, and Cancer

A New Gate, Pretty Flowers, and Cancer

Life hasn’t slowed down at all. I spent the weekend with my youngest niece while her parents flew to California for a vacation. She is beautiful inside and out. Great laugh. Update! Update! Get Your Cancer Update! Tuesday we had our first appointment with the oncologist. Great guy. He has been a doctor for 40 […]

Long Time No Blog Post

Long Time No Blog Post

Gosh. It has been over two months since I last posted. I finally finished up with my twice a week physical therapy for “frozen shoulder” at the beginning of June. A little more than a week went by before Michael informed me he had gone to see our family doctor for a problem he had […]



Our weather is still very wet with occasional breaks when the sun lets us know it is still there. One of those days happened last Wednesday. Joshua was looking out the front window when he saw thousands of bees. It was a swarm. Michael was on a conference call so it was up to me […]

Does it Feel Like Spring?

New Bee Hives

No, really. Does it feel like Spring where you are? It doesn’t from where I sit. In case you haven’t heard, this has been a bad Fall and Winter for Oregon. So much so, I’ve entertained the thought of moving back to southern California. Let’s start off with October. McMinnville and Salem both set records […]