My sister and my two nieces came down New Year’s Day to stay the night.
When we lived in Milwaukie we were minutes from all of my family.
I miss them so much. I thought I would be able to talk on the phone to make up for it but life is so busy especially schooling. It takes up most of the day.
They arrived around lunch time and we immediately started with the fun.
We took them to see the goats. They had not seen the bucks or the doelings.
A day or two before their visit a neighbor gave the boys a broken down “scooter”. Michael, who can fix anything, worked with the boys and got it working.
Everyone was enjoying it.
That night we played Apples to Apples. There was a lot of laughing.
We had a lot of fun. I can’t wait for them to visit again.
Lucky you, to have family you love close to share those special times.
Yes, I am very fortunate.
Now we just need to get you guys up for a visit