Farm fresh eggs available for sale. Our chickens are free range and produce healthy orange colored yolks.
Our chickens have really increased their production now that the days are getting longer. Our layers are a variety of Barred Rocks, Americaunas, Australorps Buff Orpingtons and Nuvogens. Free ranging during the day, they get a variety of bugs, greens, leftover produce and a quality feed. $3/dozen. We welcome weekly customers. Contact Us.
Our chickens and goats get along wonderfully.
Wish I lived closer… Maybe I can pick up a few dozen the next time I’m down!
I wish you lived closer too!
When you pick up Tam swing by and I’ll give you some.
If I lived closer you know I would. I’m a sucker for those pretty green ones. I get them from a friend at church when the hens are laying, but they aren’t right now. Waaaaa!!! What I’d do for some farm fresh eggs.
I do love the green ones as well.
We are glad to have fresh eggs again.
Eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I would share if you weren’t 3000 miles away.
What beautiful eggs, colors.
Just made pancakes with our farm fresh eggs, and thanked God. Read an article that an egg is the most beautifully shaped form in the world.
Love from this farm to yours …
We love having fresh eggs. We will be having breakfast for dinner tonight. Such orange yolks.
Love to you both,