On October 2nd, 1999 I married the love of my life.
That was the beginning of so many great happenings in our lives.
Marriage starts off with such a BANG. All the excitement and anticipation. Culminating in a fun ceremony celebrating your love and commitment.
As time goes by you learn more about the other, as well as yourself. There are always ups and downs and really, as great as the ups are, the downs cement you. They create a history of commitment.
Our marriage has always been centered in Jesus. He is that all vital third strand of the rope that binds us together. Our commitment to Him has, on occasion, been the only glue we had.
During our short engagement I got glimpses of Michael with his younger cousins. I knew he would be a great dad. So, in 2002 when our first son was born my beliefs were confirmed. What a dad he is. And again, the love grows. There is something so attractive in your husband when he is loving and taking care of your kids. A year later we added another son and our family was complete.
Over the years our love for each other has grown. It is like an ocean. As you walk out into the water, from the shore, with each step (day) the love gets deeper, until it surrounds you and you can’t imagine anything else.
One of the great things about my husband is his ability to make me laugh. There isn’t a day or even more than a few hours that goes by when he doesn’t make me laugh. It is usually how he makes up after a disagreement. Gets me laughing . I would never want to live without laughter, and Michael provides a lot of it.
I look forward to all the years to come. All the new adventures and laughter. Together.
Happy Anniversary, Karen and Michael!
Thank you Elaine!
Enjoy your weekend.
Oh, where does the time go? You two are truely amazing and your love for each other is so beautiful. You have been through so much and accomplished more than most couples in 16 years. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. Have a wonderful get-a-way. You deserve it!
Thank you dear sister. Family makes a big difference and you have always been so supportive and there when we need you.
I love you,
Happy Anniversary! You are a great team… :o)
Thanx Bryn.
We have definitely learned a lot over the years.
Dear Karen and Michael!
Congratulations on the most cherished day of your lives. The big anticipation, the start of a new family, everything new!
Happy anniversary!
Kimberly & Rigel
Thank you so much.
Enjoy your weekend,
What a great 16 years it has been. Doing life with you Karen has been a joy, and I would do it over and over again, without hesitation. Really impossible to imagine life any other way, and not even worth the effort trying. Love you, here’s to another sixteen years!
Your Hubby
Awww. I love you too sweetie! The best is yet to come.
Always yours,
What a beautiful testimony of love, commitment, family & Christ. You are so blessed.
Happy Anniversary to an extraordinary family.
I’m late but Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!
Thank you. Better late than never
Dear Karen, somehow I missed this post! A very happy 16th anniversary to you and Michael! What an adventure, huh? Refreshing to see couples not only still together but loving one another after 16 years. It’s becoming more rare every day. Congratulations. May God give you many more happy years together as you serve Him and each other. XO
Thank you. We had a lovely time in Portland. It is sad how many marriages end. There is something about working through hard times that make you know you can make it.
God has blessed us abundantly.
Take care,