♪ I’ve thought about us for a long, long time but never did get around to writing a post. ♪


Michael is in remission and is doing well except for dry skin on his face. He will see a Dermatologist about. He is back at work and loving it. He is not a guy who enjoys sitting around for to long.

I have been working at the grade school. It started out one on one with a special needs boy. Our district doesn’t have a facility for special education so we work on getting them placed on another district with special education. I worked with this precious boy for a month and then he was transferred.

After that, I have been in the role of substitute paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals work with children who are not up to grade level in: reading, writing, and math.

I get up each day at 5:00 a.m. to be ready if they call me in that day. One of the paraprofessionals quit so for a while I worked most days (one of the many reasons blogging wasn’t on my to do list)  They filled that job so my subbing will be less.

I’m actually trying to find a part time job. This applying on line stinks. I’m much better in person. Especially when I have a ten year gap because I homeschooled my boys. Seems like most companies want recent experience. I would love to do clerical work in the district but people don’t give up those jobs very often.

I’m trusting in God to close the doors where He doesn’t want me to work and open the doors where He does want me to work.

The boys are doing well in school. Good grades and good behavior. Joshua will play baseball beginning at the end of February. He plans on continuing in Cross Country in the Fall. I think Nicholas might join track in the spring. He has been in a wrestling club and likes it.

On the farm front drum roll please…….In a six day period of time our goats gave birth to 15 babies. Twelve are boys and three are girls. I’m working on pictures and maybe a video.

Stay tuned. Hopefully I’ll get a post up this week.

Thanks for staying with us through the thick and thin of life.

Enjoy your day,
