Here is a little update of just a few things that have been going on so far in December.
We found a great Christmas tree farm just ten minutes from our home. They had a lot of nice trees from which to choose. We wanted a smaller tree than we normally have. This being our first Christmas in this home we thought we should “go light” this year.
The boys did most of the decorating. It is so nice the different ways they can help now. Such big helpful boys they are.
Here is our finished tree.
We have had a lot of rain lately.
Here is a picture of our lower acreage in July.
You can’t see it but Salt Creek runs through those trees. Our property extends just a little past the creek.
A few days ago we woke up and the creek had grown bigger.
The very next day this is what it looked like.
Two days later it was back to the second picture. We knew that various amounts of the lower acreage floods each year. Just didn’t realize it can change so quickly.
The orchard is such a blessing. An answer to prayer really. We knew that when we found a home with land that we would plant fruit trees. God provided us with a built in orchard. We enjoyed a day in the orchard this past week. Raking and deadheading. For hours.
Joshua did the deadheading, Michael and I did the raking. Nicholas and Joshua took turns taking the debris to the compost bins.
Here is the first load. We put it on the tarp and then use the riding lawn mower to pull it out to the compost bin which is by the barn.
I didn’t keep track of the count but I asked Nicholas how many loads he thinks went to the compost bin. He said 10 +. I just know that it was dark when we were finishing up. I’m sore but just think of all the calories we burned at the time of year when we usually gain weight. It is like having a gym at home.
We are having a hard time keeping in one doeling in particular.
HER. She looks innocent doesn’t she. Looks can be deceiving.
She is a curious little thing. She was out of her stall more than in it so in an attempt to keep her in this is what the boys and I did while Michael was at work.
We thought it would be a jail for them.
Well, you know who had other plans. This is her in Halle and Brown Sugar’s stall.
Just making herself at home. Halle is doing her best to ignore her.
Bored in their stall she decides to check out the barn. Over the door she goes.
After exploring she just jumps right over the door into Halle and Brown Sugar’s stall again.
I’ve become fairly fluent in goat body language. These two are saying, “Mom, she’s in our room again. Make her leave.”
Parenting. Human or animal….it’s a lot of work.
Have a wonderful weekend,
PS: We are still trying to come up with names for the three new girls. I have a name for the aforementioned one. It’s an acronym…..PITA. I’m sure you can figure it out
You did it again… I’m still weeping from laughter!!! You have a knack for making goats even funnier than they already are… and to catch her in the act… excellent camera skills… :o)
She is the daughter of a herd queen so she comes by her sense of entitlement naturally… I’m guessing that in her little goat brain, she’s already thinking that she is ready to take her rightful place as Herd Queen on Salt Creek Farm… doesn’t look like she is getting much resistance… silly goats!!!
We get so much laughter, astonishment, enjoyment, and amusement out of these girls. What a great gift you gave us. I’m curious to see Rasberry’s reaction to our efforts to contain them (Ok, HER). Michael took the plastic fencing all the way around their pen. There shouldn’t be any way to get out now.
Yes, she does have the “I’m in charge” attitude. I think Halle is just so shocked she doesn’t know what to do.
Enjoy your last day of school today. Ahhhh. Two weeks off. I’m salivating just thinking about it.
[…] in an attempt to get to something familiar (mom), she jumped out of the stall (reminiscent of Ramblin Rose) and then couldn’t get into another stall. We knew she had had plenty to eat by all the […]